Fast track your Success with Life Coaching

Avail life coaching to discover your strengths and achieve long-lasting change

Coached by Col Deovrat Pagay, a retired Indian Armed forces officer with over 30 years of practicing and teaching mindfulness, personality development, and NLP to hundreds of students, this course will teach you how to:

  • Identify Limiting beliefs that hold you back from becoming your most extraordinary self. 
  • Build a mindset to overcome those beliefs through small changes in regular habits. 
  • Reinforce new habits and mindset shifts in your daily life to set yourself up on a new path for success.

Packed with interactive exercises to help you discover your mental habits and behaviors, this course uses experiential exercises, personal reflections, and interactive discussions to help students become more mindful.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

  1. Identify and develop clarity on your vision
  2. Modify your goals and build an action plan to achieve them with your coach’s guidance.
  3. Rediscover yourself and experience growth
  4. Experience increased productivity due to accountability to your life coach

How can Life Coaching benefit me?

From Oprah Winfrey, Leonardo Dicaprio to Serena Williams, some of the world’s most wildly successful people have used a life coach to become their best selves in life. Life coaching is availed by celebrities, entrepreneurs, and world leaders to achieve success. So if you’re asking yourself, “Do I need a life coach?” you’re not alone.

A life coach is a professionally trained person to help you maximize your potential and achieve your desired goals. A life coach acts as a mentor, guide, and supportive friend all rolled into one.

They can help you identify your goals, provide you the necessary motivation and encouragement throughout your journey, track your daily success and hold you accountable. All of this enables you to maximize your potential and discover a better version of yourself.

Life coaching helps you bring clarity to your goals, identify the obstacles holding you back, and then help you come up with strategies for overcoming each obstacle. In building these strategies, life coaches leverage your unique skills and talents. By helping you discover your strengths, life coaches provide the support you need to achieve long-lasting change.

Some of the most common areas life coaches can help include:

  • Building professional and personal growth plans
  • Addressing limiting beliefs
  • Work towards financial independence
  • Build work-life balance
  • Learning to communicate more effectively
  • Improving interpersonal relationships
  • Improve performance at work
  • Achieving fitness goals
  • Starting a new business
  • Managing an important life or business transition

Hi, I’m Col Deovrat Pagay and I am a retired Indian Armed Forces officer. My biggest endeavor has been to help people struggling with confidence and communication skills to rise above their fears and build the persona they have always dreamt of being.  With over 30 years of experience under my belt, I bring to you this practical course on developing a magnetic and commanding personality.

My defense background also means that I have been through the journey of developing a magnetic personality and know the ins and outs of building a growth mindset and breaking bad habits.

Wish to learn more about Col Deovrat Pagay and his teaching methodology?

Who should consider taking life coaching?

Life coaching can be taken by anyone who wants to achieve greater things in life. Life coaching can be taken by ambitious people who want to improve their output and experience more growth or beginners who dream to achieve something.

People from different walks of life use life coaches. This includes business leaders, actors, people working in creative industry, entrepreneurs, homemakers, executives,, managers, professionals, small business owners, and people looking to start a business. All these people identify a gap between where they are and where they envision themselves to be in the long run and turn to life coaching when they want help reaching their goals.

What do people say about this course?

Review 1: The Life coaching course has really helped me discover my self-limiting beliefs and brought clarity to my thinking.  Col Pagay’s passion shines through his way of teaching and he makes sure you grasp all concepts clearly. I really benefitted from the techniques and have been able to successfully implement them in my life.

 Review 2: Col Pagay is a good life coach. His teachings from his experience has helped me understand where I lacked and helped me develop and practice the confidence to change myself. I will definitely recommend this course

 Review 3: Col Pagay has a unique way of explaining things. His tools and techniques are easy to understand and implement. His motivational aspects really encouraged me and the instructor delivered the course in a very engaging manner.